College Department
College education is a preparation for life. It allows a person to acquire not only a high degree of competence but also creativity in dealing with life's challenges. It is an opportunity to develop social skills and establish good relations with people from different cross-sections of the community.
At Bernardo College, students are assured of quality education at very affordable cost. As a result, Higher Education Bernardian graduates are expected to:
Manifest high degree of competence in their particular field of specialization
Demonstrate creative and innovative thinking in problem-solving by formulating sound decisions
Exhibit passion for continuous learning and a lifelong commitment
Demonstrate high degree of interpersonal and communication skills
Exhibit positive attitude and proper ethics in a multi-cultural workplace
Manifest integrity in the workplace

Bernardo College Admissions Office
Office hours:
Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 3pm
Tel. nos.:
(+632) 8-872-6204 / 8-873-3330 - Phone
(+632) 8-872-1129 - Fax
a) With Academic Distinction
b) Multiple Enrollment: Two brothers/sisters or more
c) Early Enrollment: Enroll on or before March 31 of this year
d) Parent is an Educator/Teacher
e) Parent is an ALUMNUS of Bernardo College

​Registered Training Center for the following programs:
​Housekeeping NC II
Food & Beverage Services NC II
Bread & Pastry Production NC II
Cookery NC II
Ships' Catering Services NC I
Ships' Catering Services NC III
Front Office Services NC II
Travel Services NC II
Tour Guiding Services NC II
Bartending NC II
Computer Programming NC IV
Computer Systems Servicing NCII
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Servicing (DOMRAC) NC II
Bookkeeping NC III
Accredited Assessment Center for the following programs:
Housekeeping NC II
- Food & Beverage Services NC II
- Bread & Pastry Production NC II
- Cookery NC II
Ships' Catering Services NC I
Ships' Catering Services NC III
Front Office Services NC II
Bartending NC II
RAC Servicing (DOMRAC) NC II
Bookkeeping NC III
Computer Systems Servicing NCII