Bernardo College dreams to produce competent learners
whose capabilities enable them to realize their full potential
as life-long learners and as responsible members of the society.
Moreover, it envisions itself as a learner-centered private institution,
constantly improving itself to better serve its stakeholders,
thus establishing Bernardo College
as a pinnacle of learning institution.
Guided by its vision, Bernardo College will be
a premier institution of innovative learning
that provides quality education that is
Christian, Humane and Caring in principle;
Holistic in Intellectual, Emotional, and SocialGrowth;
Nationalistic and Globally Competitive in Character.
An education that is Christian in principle aims to develop persons who...
- Follow Christ's works and teachings
- Integrate moral values and respect the other religious denominations.
An education that is humane and caring in orientation aims to develop persons who...
- Are thoughtful and concerned for the well-being of family members, teachers, administrators, staff, and classmates.
- Are sensitive to the needs of others.
An education that is holistic in intellectual, emotional, and social growth aims to develop persons who are...
- Disciplined, self-reliant, creative, productive, and intelligent individuals.
An education that is nationalistic and globally competitive in character aims to develop persons who have...
- Deep love for country, its rich culture and tradition.
- Respect for environment, is service-oriented, and who can contribute to the growth of national development.
-Fully trained and skilled individuals in response to global competitiveness.

I spent 4 years studying at BC and this was an absolutely unforgettable period in my life. While studying, I grew as an individual, learned to interact and talk to people from different backgrounds.
Justin Ternate
IV - Pascal, Batch '14-'15

The activities in BC has truly helped me overcome my shyness. The people there are very supportive and friendly. My experience here has been very great!
Nica Napa
6 - Excellence, Batch '15-'16

I have always felt lucky to be a student at BC and not in any other private school. I get to receive overwhelming support from everyone and I wouldn't have been able to achieve what I have achieved without them.
Vianca Mae Apostol
IV - Pascal, Batch '14-'15